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~DRESS CODE WILL BE ADHERED TO STRICTLY ~No visible tattoos or body piercing* (clear spacers may be used to ensure that piercings do not close. These are available most places where body piercings are sold.) *Earrings are acceptable ~No Tennis Shoes, Chucks, Glitter Toms, Converse, Cowboy Boots, or Tennis Shoes are permitted. ~Dress Code will be strictly enforced. It is uncomfortable for the Chaperones to ask our attendees to correct suits or dresses that are outside of the dress code, however, they will do just that. Please make sure that you are within the above guidelines. (If in doubt, err on the side of the conservative.) Regrettably, if you choose to not come with appropriate attire; i.e. the proper shoes, suit, dress, etc., you will not be permitted to attend the Prom. We ask that you do not put the Prom volunteers in the difficult place of turning you away. It is the responsibility of the attendees to maintain dress code throughout the evening (this includes keeping in adjustments made by the prom seamstresses). ​ ​
PERMITTED~Long gowns are encouraged but not required. ​ ~Modest and becoming gowns that are appropriate. ~Spaghetti straps and strapless gowns are permitted. ~Slits are allowed but MUST come no higher than your fingertips when your arms are at your sides. ~Short dresses are allowed but MUST come down to some part of the knee ~Heels or ballerina flats ​
NOT PERMITTED~No trousers, or pantsuits. ​ ~V-necks must have a panel, the panel may be small. ​ ~No plunging necklines. ​ ~No side or front cut-outs in dresses below the natural bra line. ​ ~The gown's back may not be lower than the smallest portion of the natural waistline. ​ ~No see-through gowns are permitted. ​ ~No Chucks, Glitter Toms, Converse, Cowboy Boots, Flip flops or Tennis Shoes. ​ ~No nose or body piercings, excluding earrings. ​ Please Note: Proper undergarments need to be worn, but not visible.
AGE REQUIREMENTS HOMESCHOOLED STUDENTSAttendees must be at least 14 years of age and enrolled in the 9th grade on September 1st, 2023, and may not be older than 18 on September 1st, 2023. If you attend a 2-3 day University Model School or a virtual school, you are considered a homeschooler and are eligible to attend the prom. Each homeschooler may purchase an additional ticket for one non-homeschooled guest.
WHAT ARE THE AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROM?Prom is open to all high-school homeschoolers agest 14-19! You may not be younger than 14 on September 1st, 2023, and must be in the 9th grade. And you may not be older than 18 on September 1st, 2023.
I DON'T KNOW ANYONE COMING. WILL I STILL HAVE FUN?Yes! We always have a bunch of students who come without groups! That being said, we would suggest coming to one of our dance lessons prior to coming, that way you're guaranteed to be friends with at least 15 people before prom night. But you'll be fine either way! We also suggest that you reserve yourself a mini-group reservation, that means that you will have a seat reserved at a table with other people, and you won't have to stress about where to sit!
CAN YOU BRING A GUEST?Yes! Every attendee is eligible to bring one guest. Guests are designated as students who were not homeschooled or are homeschool Alumni. Guests may not be older than 20 on September 1st, 2022.
CAN ANY HOMESCHOOLED HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ATTEND?Absolutely! We are not associated with any particular homeschool group. We have students come from as far as Texas, Washington, and Florida and others! You will not feel like an outsider, all are welcome!
WHY DO YOU HAVE TRADITIONAL DANCING?It's so much fun! When we started this event we wanted it to be a high school celebration that was an amazing experience for teens whether they came with a date, alone or with a group of friends. The type of traditional dancing that we do is actually still done around the world and is loads of fun! The traditional dancing in prom was inspired by a huge event in Finland, that all high school juniors participate in at the end of the year. There they learn all sorts of traditional dances that they perform at the end of a year and is considered a highlight of high school. Traditional dancing is one of the reasons that students travel from seven different states for this event.
HOW DO I VOLUNTEER TO CHAPERONE?Chaperoning at the Heartland Homeschool Prom is an amazing experience! To volunteer to help us make the Heartland Homeschool Prom one of the most memorable evenings of their high school years just email us at, and we will put you on the list for consideration. Chaperoning tickets are $20 each, to help offset the cost of your dinner. Chaperones are also asked to wear black-tie formal attire conducive to the HHP attendee dress code. We have one chaperone to every 10-15 attendees.
HOW DO I SUBMIT SONGS?All of our songs are pre-screened, to make sure everything is appropriate. If you have a song you want to hear you have to send it to us before prom night! All genres of music are welcome, but please keep in mind that we will not be playing songs that have bad words, suggestive lyrics or references to illegal activities. When submitting your songs, copy and paste a link to the lyrics along with the name and the artist, and send it to
WHAT KINDS OF DANCES?We have a mix of traditional group dancing (think classy traditional, like Jane Austen's, Pride and Prejudice), swing and modern dancing with our DJ. No previous dance experience required (we have an excellent caller!).
ARE THERE EXCEPTIONS TO THE DRESS CODE?The Dress Code for the Heartland Homeschool Prom is designed to make sure that all attendees have a wonderful time, your attire must be within the HHP dress code (no chucks, body piercings, jeans, etc.) for you to attend. Though it is uncomfortable for the chaperons to pull students aside or possibly ask them to leave because they failed to follow the dress code for the HH, they will do just that. Please be kind to the chaperones and other attendees by dressing within the guidelines for the Heartland Homeschool Prom.
WHAT DOES "BLACK TIE" MEAN?Like other black-tie events, we have a dress code and also a code of conduct that is enforced. We have these rules not to impose on you, but to make the event a more wonderful experience for everyone! For many, this will be the first Black Tie event they attend. The Black Tie Guide has a wonderful article on the importance of dressing appropriately for formal events.
AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR GUESTS AND ALUMNIEvery homeschooler is allowed to purchase one additional ticket for a guest (which includes homeschool alumni). Guests must be at least 14 years of age and currently enrolled in 9th grade on September 1st, 2023, and may not be older than 20 years of age on September 1st, 2023. For registration purposes, we consider Alumni and only those who are NOT homeschooled as guests.
AGE REQUIREMENTS NON-HOMESCHOOLED GUESTSEvery homeschooled attendee may invite one non-homeschooled guest. Non-homeschooled guests must be at least 14 years old and currently enrolled in 9th grade on September 1st, 2023, and may not be older than 20 by September 1st, 2023. Graduates may attend as a guest of a homeschooler. ​
NOT PERMITTED~No Weird prints on suits. Odd prints automatically make a suit casual and are not allowed. ​ ~Black jeans and/or sports coats are not acceptable formal attire. ​ ~No Chucks, Converse, Cowboy Boots, or Tennis Shoes. ​ ~No body piercings. ​ ~No T-shirts or polos. A collared, button-up shirt is required. ​ ~No Kilts, skirts or dresses.
PERMITTED~Tuxedo or Dress Suit ~Dress Suits must be dark and matching (think dark grey and black) ~Tuxes May be any color or pattern as long as it is not offensive looking (no neon, garish patterns etc.) ~A collared, button-up shirt is required (no T-shirts) ~Neck ties or bow ties are required. ~Dress shoes only.
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