Stay tuned for your 2025 dance lesson dates! Tickets are $5, include 2 full hours of instruction, and are a great way to meet other attendees before the night of prom! Check out more details below!
2024 Dance Lessons (Stay tuned for 2025!)
Saturday, March 16th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Franklin Park and Recreation Center, in Franklin, Indiana.
Saturday, March 23rd from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Franklin Park and Recreation Center, in Franklin, Indiana.
Saturday, April 6th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Noblesville Baptist Church, in Noblesville, Indiana
I have a friend who doesn't have a ticket for prom, can they still attend this dance lesson?
Yes! These dance lessons are open to all homeschooled high school students ages 14 and up.
These dance lessons include:
2 hours of complete dance instruction for this year's prom
Opportunity to connect with other attendees from all over!
Here is a list of some of the dances you can expect at each lesson!
The Virginia Reel (Traditional)
Patty Cake Polka
Ships Cook
Cupid Shuffle
Basic Swing
Cotton Eyed Joe
The Gordons (Traditional)
Note: Dances on this list are subject to change.
If you can't go to the dance lessons, we recommend looking these dances up! The songs to these will be played throughout the evening during the traditional dancing and during DJ, and it's always so much fun to know how to dance to them. If you can't make it to any of the dance lessons and also can't seem to find the time to look any of them up--not to worry! You will still have more than an amazing time at the prom, and there will be others who don't make it to the dance lessons either.