Tickets go on sale Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at 12 noon!
To make the process smoother, ticket sales for Thursday and Friday nights will begin at different times this year. We've arranged it this way to reduce traffic and ease the stress of wondering if your friends have secured a ticket for your preferred night—no need to rush and purchase a ticket for a different night out of concern! See below for time!
Tickets for Friday Night, May 16th go on sale at 12 Noon
Tickets for Thursday Night, May 15th go on sale at 1 PM
How to Register
Ticket sales are limited for the 2025 Heartland Homeschool Prom and have sold out every year since the 2011 event! We encourage students to reserve their spot as soon as possible, but will also have a waiting list available later in the reservation season.
Registration Process
1) Follow the registration link and you'll end up on the 2025 Ticket Homepage. Read through this page, and you're all set to register!
2) Fill out your basic information. Among a few other questions, we'll ask you for your name, address, grade, and any dietary restrictions you may have.
3) Click "Continue" and fill out your payment information. Payments are made through Paypal, but you do not have to use Paypal to complete your purchase. Registrations can also be made with a debit or credit card.
Night of Info (The Most Important Stuff)
Thursday, May 15th, 2025: $125
Friday, May 16th, 2025: $125
Historic Union Station, Downtown Indianapolis
Check-in begins at 6:00
The 2025 Prom officially begins at 7:00 and ends at midnight.
To attend prom you must be at least 14 years of age and in high school by
September 1, 2024. Please read full registrant guidelines under "FAQ".
Before you purchase your tickets please take a couple of minutes to read over our guidelines as you will be asked to agree to them in the registration process!
Ticket Transfers
Though we do not offer ticket refunds, if for some unfortunate reason you are not able to attend, then you may give or sell your tickets to a friend (provided they are educated at home).
Please contact us for all ticket transfer requests from the e-mail account associated with your PayPal address and we will transfer the name to the new person. Any payment transfers in exchange for tickets are done through the individuals.